Peak Pursuits - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Hiking Gear
Peak Pursuits - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Hiking Gear Peak Pursuits - Reliable Outdoor, Camping & Hiking Gear
Home Outdoor Gear Rucksacks
Product Details

Heavy weight cotton canvas material. 2 side pockets. Front zipper pockets. Pocketed lid. 2" (inch) waist belt. Adjustable heavy canvas shoulder straps. Carry strap on top of bag for easy transport using your arms. A rucksack is also called a backpack, knapsack, packsack, pack, or bergen. For travelers the rucksack is a perfect traveling accessory. It will almost always be allowed on a flight as a carry on luggage. Helping you avoid both extra time and extra cost for check-in luggage. A favorite of military personnel, campers, bicyclist, hikers, fisherman, outdoors men, students, and much much more. Backpacks are often preferred to handbags for carrying heavy loads, because of the limited capacity to carry heavy weights for long periods of time in the hands. GI Government Issued style. Navy Blue European style rucksack. Dimensions: 20" x 13" x 7.5" (inches).

Navy Blue - Canvas European Style Rucksack Backpack

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